Ngardara means sun in our language

We are harnessing the sun to re-power our community and homelands, keeping Country healthy for future generations.

Disclosure Statement

Name: Ngardara Cooperative Ltd. A non-distributing cooperative without share capital.

Registered office: c/o 305 Robinson Road, BORROLOOLA, NT, 0854

Ngardara Cooperative’s primary activities will be:

  • to undertake, develop, own (jointly or alone) or otherwise participate in projects and initiatives to address the supply of affordable energy to and alleviate energy insecurity of the Aboriginal residents of Borroloola and surrounding homelands;
  • to reduce energy costs for Aboriginal residents of Borroloola and the surrounding homelands;
  • to facilitate opportunities for job creation, trade and skills education within Borroloola and surrounding homelands and for the employment (including third party employment) of Aboriginal residents of Borroloola and surrounding homelands in the projects referred to under Rule 1.4(a)(i) and (ii); and
  • to educate, support and advocate for energy efficiency and sustainable energy solutions for Borroloola and other Aboriginal communities.

Download the Disclosure Statement